P2P - why producer has many peers?

Indeed within a few minutes after I switched back to P2P my relay node starts to see TX. And it has 2 incoming connections. See screenshot below. It looks like my hypothesis is right, but if so, p2p is really buggy then.


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After over-night running, the incoming connection for my relay node now drops to 1 (from my own producer node). As a result, there is no more new incoming TXs. It seems my hypothesis is proven, that is, a node only receives TX when there is an incoming connection, P2P style or clio.one style.

Now the question is, why? Isn’t the bi-directional feature meant to eliminate connection direction dependence?

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Looks good. You have one Duplex connection with your block producer.

bp should display:

P2P: enabled
Incoming: 1
Outgoing: 1
Cold Peers: 0
Warm Peers: 0
Hot Peers: 1
Uni-Dir: 0
Bi-Dir: 1
Duplex: 1