Planning on building a Cardano Dex ( ETA for next update ? )

Hi everyone, We are planning on creating a dex on cardano platform but as it stands Cardano doesn’t have any smart contracts functionalities yet. Does anyone know the ETA of the next updates ? Please let us know and join the conversation regarding Dex on our discord. Thanks all.

Hi @Blkfyre ,

Alonzo hard fork should be around mid of the year based on some articles out there.

Thanks for the info, It seems Cardano is way behind and taking long time to roll out this very important update. Little dissapointing !! :neutral_face:

Paying high gas fees is also disappointing, isn’t it? :wink:

Not sure what you are refering to, It’s not my problem If you meant ETH. I do not pay high gas fees.

Maybe we can ask ETH to create Wraped Cardano so that we can trade on all the ETH based dex.