Port 3001 (relays-new.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io) mainnet-topology

:cardano.node.Forge:Error:261] [2021-02-22 21:29:38.00 UTC] fromList [(“credentials”,String “Cardano”),(“val”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “TraceForgeStateUpdateError”),(“reason”,Object (fromList [(“forgeStateUpdateError”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “KESKeyAlreadyPoisoned”),(“targetPeriod”,Number 173.0),(“kesInfo”,Object (fromList [(“startPeriod”,Number 7.0),(“kind”,String “KESInfo”),(“evolution”,Number 0.0),(“endPeriod”,Number 69.0)]))])),(“kind”,String “HardForkForgeStateUpdateError”)])),(“slot”,Number 2.2463087e7)]))]

Try to deactivate the ufw for test…

sudo ufw disable and restart ur nodes

the relay looks like its moving but block looks dead.

do you think it might be because im fully synced and i need to redo my KES?

What kes ? Start it like a relay node and let it sync… u will need to reconfigure the kes when it will be fully synced

Block : 5377151

I dont know how to check kes, but let me go back through the tutorial to redo it.

Do not create KES till ur node is not synced

Do you think my fail2ban could be causing a problem? I have ipwhite list setup for my ips

Nope… just try to start ur node as a relay(without kes or certificates)

Not getting any activity with starting it as a relay node

cardano-node run
–topology mainnet-topology.json
–database-path db
–socket-path db/node.socket
–port xxxx
–config mainnet-config.json

maybe its because my topology is configured to connect to the relay?

oh i didnt restart my server when i disabled ufw let me try this

damn… now icant even connect to my server after disabling ufw…

Why? Ur fw is disabled…
U added a rule for ssh port in fw right?
U don’t need to restart the server when u change the fw…

just a error it was fine, i could connect. But the nodes werent talking with it disabed… everything was fine when I had the port set to

ufw allow from x.x.x.x

i am using amazon AWS so i have firewall rules setup on that.

Then type sudo ufw status numbered
And change those lines

sudo ufw delete x where x is the number from the begining

after u change a line type again sudo ufw status numbered possible the line number to change

im deleting my aws firewalls

Take care with ssh port
Don’t cut ur access

To Action From

xxxx ALLOW x.x.x.x
xxxx/tcp ALLOW x.x.x.x
xxxx/udp ALLOW x.x.x.x
xxxx/udp ALLOW x.x.x.x
xxxx/tcp ALLOW x.x.x.x
top line is SSH
bottom 4 are private ip and public ip of my relay

im testing if it works now that i deleted my firewall rules in aws

I set my block up as a relay and it seems its caught up now, seems like its ahead of pooltool.io stats. is it okay to generate kes number if the slot number is ahead:

pooltool.io = Slot:293144 (67%)

Slot : 293183 67.9%

Check the block instead of the Slot. This should show the same number.
Think the slot number on pooltool just is a little behind time
→ Generally I think you cannot be ahead of time. So everything should be fine

my block Block : 5,378,962
pool tool Height: 5,378,960

Block : 5,378,967
Height: 5,378,964