Re: Official Telegram Group for Cardano

On Telegram, there are quite a few Cardano groups, which one is the official one that Charles is in

Thank you

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Telegram is so noisy and busy. Why not just ask your question here?

Here are the official telegram channels! Hope this helps! Charles is in a few, the best one is the Cardano general channel! He pops in every now and then!

:mega: @CardanoAnnouncements
:star: @CardanoGeneral
:two_hearts: @CardanoCommunityTechSupport
:computer: @CardanoDevelopersOfficial
:rocket: @CardanoTradingOfficial
:triangular_flag_on_post: @CardanoReportToAdmin
:jp: @CardanoJapanOfficial
:jp: @CardanoJapanTrading
:cn: @CardanoChinaOfficial
:kr: @CardanoKoreaOfficial


Thank you, I will subscribe to a few of these channels

Have a good week

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True, telegram has its disadvantages, but also is another channel to get info