Relays not showing up on

22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/
22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/

22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/

22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/
22 * * * * /home/xx/cardano-my-node/

I have it in here too many times

Where do crontab logs goto?


Ok, now wait till minute 22 and check in log file (topologylastresult)

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Not seeing anything

then, something is wrong in crontab, try to run it manually, and check again in log,

Run what manually?

The topologyupdater script

I ran it, i made a new thread to trouble shoot the crontab.

Solution was to double check ports/ips in UFW and amazon aws, also fixed a line in which was pointing to the wrong location of my cardano-cli