Sent cardano from binance to metamask

Hi guys i just sent cardano from binance to my metamask wallet - does anyone know if u can retrieve it ? many thanks

Hi @Tarnia82,

Does binance show the transaction went through and to which address is it sent?

Cause metamask does not support cardano. Metamask only supports etherium and etherium based tokens like erc20. Cardano has its own blockchain and supported wallets like daedalus, yoroi and adalite

Hey there
Yes, i received the withdrawal email showing the address . Thanks so much for responding !!

Hi @ADA4Good

Yes, i received the email saying withdrawal successful and the address it was sent to . thank you so much for responding !!

hi @ADA4Good i worked it out !!

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Happy to hear but is metamask supporting cardano? Didn’t know that.