Small pools are dying...what do you think?

Dear community members,

You have regularly and consistently asked about the staking strategy by the foundation. Since we have so many channels, I am somewhat randomly choosing this one to outline (very) briefly our thoughts and next steps, as follows:

First, our initial strategy was indeed very simple, let’s call it “rough and handmade”, to serve as an initial iteration with the aim of safely deploying first.

Second, we will shortly publish our current staking - where and how much. Transparency is a good thing!

Third, we will shortly publish our first official draft (v1) of a more detailed staking strategy. While we will deploy this first official strategy immediately upon publication, we will take into account your feedback (I trust there will be lots!) and we will then iterate to a v2, and so on.

I want to manage expectations right away: It is and will be truly impossible to please everyone. Different people have different opinions, and different people weigh different parameters differently. Good reading on this issue here: - best do read the book, though it ain’t easy reading… :slight_smile:

Have a great weekend!

— Nathan