Hi, my name is Antonio, I’m from Chicago (GO Bears)
I’m getting feet wet on Cardano technology, I’m trying to install and run a pool in the testnet, available guides are from months back and create questions for me.
I have a virtual machine with 2 cores 4 GB RAM
Ubuntu server 18.04.5 LTS
Local network (NAT) port forwarding 3301
After I execute cardano-node run I can see runs but the output seems wrong
cardano-node run
–topology testnet-topology.json
–database-path db
–socket-path db/socket
–port 3001
–config testnet-config.json
##Output Beginning
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.69 UTC] slotNum = 441123
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.69 UTC] blockNum = 440079
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.69 UTC] slotInEpoch = 9123
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.69 UTC] epoch = 20
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: 7f02812f4f172ed5fd8230bc7410bbfe400e7e26a0f0b9deda3d5e625c9043f4 at slot 441123
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] density = 1.0
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] slotNum = 441124
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] blockNum = 440080
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] slotInEpoch = 9124
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] epoch = 20
[bubo:cardano.node.BlockFetchDecision.peers:Info:47] [2021-02-21 21:41:29.70 UTC] connectedPeers = 2
[bubo:cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics:Critical:37] [2021-02-21 21:41:31.03 UTC] epoch = 20
[bubo:cardano.node.BlockFetchDecision.peers:Info:47] [2021-02-21 21:41:31.03 UTC] connectedPeers = 2
##Output End
LiveView also looks not good
I this normal, should I let it run and wait or should I start troubleshooting?
If I need to troubleshooting, where do I start?
Thanks for any pointers