Staking on ledger or exchange update


Is there an update to when we can stake on the ledger (live), or on an exchange?

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Hey @KoningD

You would have to ask Ledger if they implement Cardano to Ledger live. Theres nothing we can do on our side for that. The same applies to the exchanges.



Why not use Yoroi and stake from Ledger?

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Good question.
Mostly because you cannot restore your wallet with ledger. You need the Yoroi wallet restore phrases.
And I do not want another 15 / 24 phrases to remember or store.

This is not true, if you use your ledger with Yoroi you don’t get a restore phrase.
The Ledger itself has a restore phrase to restore the Ledger device, but thats it.

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Mmm. maybe they changed this, or I made a mistake :slight_smile:
Anyway, that sounds good. I am going to check it out. thank. you

Hi Fabian, could you please confirm if this is correct. Is it possible to restore a Yoroi wallet with a ledger device?

I installed Yoroi and successfully integrated it with my Ledger Nano S, but I wasn’t shown my 15-word recovery phrase during the wallet setup.

If you are using a Ledger device, you will not be given a 15-word recovery phrase by Yoroi. As long as you have your Ledger hardware wallet (and your Ledger’s recovery phrase), you will always be able to access your ADA and make transactions through Yoroi.

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Yes this is correct. You don’t need an additional seed if you use Yoroi with a hardware wallet since all your private keys are stored on that wallet already.

Yoroi and any other 3rd party wallets are just a GUI if you use it with a hardware wallet.


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I may have to say you don’t really restore a Yoroi wallet with the ledger seed. If you use your ledger seed you will restore the privat keys on your ledger and with those you are able to connect to any wallet interface like Yoroi or Adalite.



This is worth repeating, I’ve seen cases where people tried to do that! :smile:


I tried to interface to Yoroi on another device and it worked! thank you :smiley:

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Hi folks, I have installed Yoroi on my android and have had good luck with storing and delegating my ADA.