Start learning Haskell


I found this to be a great absolute first place to start:

I’ve started learning Haskell through the book. The video was a bit too quick for me.


Yeah I agree about the video. I would suggest reading the book through first and trying it out in practice. Then the video won’t fly over your head so much. Best book I have found so far for easing into the language.
I’ll check out that link.

I found this to be a good starting point to understand the topic in context

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I highly recommend (Haskell Programming from First Principles). It’s the only book that I felt gave me some real traction in moving beyond simple, academic examples but without diving too quickly into too-challenging material. That said, I’ve only worked through the first few chapters (and it’s been a while), but I have perennially wanted to get back to working through it. If anyone here would be interested in being a reading buddy (check in on each other’s progress according to some schedule), let me know! I could use an accountability partner. :slight_smile:

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I dont know what a reading buddy is, but sure lets chat.

Here are some of my learning resources,
First I would say it might be good to learn from this book on scheme it is an intro to CS, famous

Awsome Haskell

This is a great collection of links

Course notes

Official :

What I wish I knew learning :

Where to go next :

Awsome functional


Haskell is not a language you are gonna pick up in a 25-minute video (or even in a 8-hour one). It takes quite some time to get to the point to be a hireable Haskell developer. I strongly suggest going through haskellbook ( and then you’ll have a good intuition to learn what’s next with little help (such as type famillies, gadt and lenses).


I would also recommend familiarizing yourself with the lambda calculus, Alonzo Church (debatably the sort of ancestor of FP) , and the church-turing (godel as referee) situation, as background. The sort of twinned approach of imperative/functional is currently being researched in complexity theory and ontological engineering.

Let’s just say , approaching the limit to infinity of p sized functional space, one would rather have maximum protection against undefinable problems, one would rather have Haskell Curry’s paradox any day, which is understandable, versus the halting problem or being only mostly (even if it is 99.99% “uptime”) secure . A blockchain should be provably secure.

Are there somewhere to see examples of Haskell use cases? And what it can not do?
These seem to be hard to come by, and might be the reason why it lacks interest, as ppl tend to just use js or python etc. to get the job done, as they know it can do it (even though it generates a lot more code)

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FPComplete - the firm IOHK hired, has some case projects here:

Note that their founder is an ex-Microsoftee like myself and so after seeing that, I’m biting the bullet and learning Haskell now. I figure there must be more to Haskell than I thought if he’s not off doing C#.

I am about to embark on a journey to learn Haskell… Who is with me?

PS: Trying to configure sublime text for Haskell development… got stuck after installing stack on ubuntu 18.04 running this command:

“wget -qO- | sh”


tried following this guy’s guide but ran into problems…

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Who else Joining?

I found some folks who have started learning on telegram

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Are there somewhere to see examples of Haskell use cases? And what it can not do?

Its not possible (or at least extremely difficult) to write Linux kernel modules in Haskell.

These seem to be hard to come by, and might be the reason why it lacks interest, as ppl tend to just use js or python etc. to get the job done, as they know it can do it (even though it generates a lot more code)

For any high level task that could be done in Python or JS could also be done in Haskell, but Haskell being a compiled language rather than an interpreted language will almost always be fast.

Being a compiled language also means that the compiler can find bugs at compile time that would be run time errors in Python or JS.

Finally, Haskell has a highly advanced type system which programmers can use to their advantage to prevent bugs.

So basically you would choose Haskell over Python on JS when you want speed, reliability or correctness.

About the only downside of Haskell is that it is significantly more difficult to learn than other languages.


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