Swtiching between Test Pool and Production Pool


Is there an option in the setup of a staking node to switch from testnet to mainnet?

I am using this website to help me build a cardano staking node - Guide: How to build a Cardano Stake Pool - CoinCashew

Is there an option for me to first point my node to testnet…and then when I get comfortable testing I can switch my node to be a mainnet node?

Thank you.

Yes, if you will download the configuration files for mainet then you will be in mainnet

mkdir $NODE_HOME
cd NODE_HOME wget -N https://hydra.iohk.io/build/{NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/{NODE_CONFIG}-byron-genesis.json wget -N https://hydra.iohk.io/build/{NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/{NODE_CONFIG}-topology.json wget -N https://hydra.iohk.io/build/{NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/{NODE_CONFIG}-shelley-genesis.json wget -N https://hydra.iohk.io/build/{NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/${NODE_CONFIG}-config.json



Hello @Alexd1985 ,

Apologies for the late reply. Thanks very much for your direction!


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