I attempted to sign up for ADA telegram group. It stated I had to wait for about 20 - 30 min. I also interacted with the Charlie bot. Now it says it’s a private group only. Can anyone help?
You have to verify yourself against Charlie (the bot) by replying /start to him and then follow all the instructions there.
I completed it. Then I logged back on to telegram and the Ada group wasn’t there. I attempted to join the group again and it said it’s a private group
Can you please send me your Telegram username via DM? I will check it out and reach out to you via Telegram.
Thank you so much. My telegram username is @drKYBcrypto. Thank you
What Telegram group is this, please? I’m in some official Cardano groups but none about ADA itself…
thanks @Zyroxa … so it’s a Cardano group, not an ADA group. Just wanted to be sure.
p.s. I was also happy to see this group hiding in there
Welcome to the community! Did you manage to get it sorted in the end?
Yes sir. Thank you
thanks for sharing the groups!