Thanks for replying.
I get no error message at all, it’s just that the funds from the faucet don’t arrive at my address, or I can’t see them there.
Message from the faucet;
Your transaction has been successful and 1000 ADA have been sent to addr_test1vrdcesz58e2e5asc7cd7e6sf66emtsh27r8gmfc6jtlqt7gjg5gcl.
Please verify the following transaction hash:
… "
On my side it looks like this, i.e. empty;
[root@testvm mary-ppe]# cardano-cli query utxo --address addr_test1vrdcesz58e2e5asc7cd7e6sf66emtsh27r8gmfc6jtlqt7gjg5gcl --testnet-magic 3 --mary-era
TxHash TxIx Amount
You do seem to have the balance on testnet network as you can see here.
You’re using the faucet used for testnet network but trying to query balance on a different network (as your command suggests --testnet-magic 3) Given that testnet network is already on Mary network, it’s probably best for you to stick to testnet network, there are not many folks using other networks.
Thank you for the answer and the link, where I can see them.
Now I’m starting over, trying to be on the main testnet. What param shall be used for the main testnet (–testnet-magic 0 ?) - because it’s insisting on one;
I’m having the same problem. Can’t seem to get faucet Ada to my address on --testnet-magic 3. I have been following the instructions on how to create a token on testnet as per:
It explicitly calls for that testnet. Should we be using something else? If so, what do you recommend? Will we need to be running different node software as well?
Unfortunately I’m still not seeing any Ada on my testnet address. Can someone send me 100 Ada on the --testnet-magic 3 network to addr_test1vqxrfpsqnw43dc0pjjv2dn4hxpahasmah322fryvpuhd4tcxplg5y
Thanks for your help!
Thank you
I’m using those config files now, but then I get these errors (maybe bc I’m on 1.25.1 and not 1.24.2?):
[root@vm mary-ppe]# cardano-cli query utxo --address $my_pay_addr --testnet-magic $tm --mary-era
Shelley command failed: query utxo Error: A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = “Byron”, otherEraName = “Mary”}
All I’d like to do for now is create my own testcoin for fun, which requires a testnet where I can get some tADA from the faucet.
Should I switch to ver 1.24.2 with testnet-magic 1097911063?
Your error message just means your node is not in sync yet. It is still in Byron era , and you will need to wait until it syncs across to Mary era on testnet network
And no - please do not switch versions, 1.24.2 is not compatible.