Hey so I’m currently building a testnet magic 1097911063 on-premises stake pool with 1 relay and 1 producer on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS . I’ve got both the prod and relay to communicate with each other however the relay fails to connect with other testnet nodes. after running the log command: journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow
I get the following:
Jun 09 14:48:04 shorty cardano-node[236136]: [shorty:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Warning:56] [2021-06-09 04:48:04.16 UTC] Domain: “relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohk.io” Failed to start all required subscriptions
I’ve had a previous relay connected successfully to the testnet so i cant understand why I’ve run into this problem, my router can’t be blocking the 3001 port as I haven’t changed anything since. I’ve dug through the forums troubleshooting but haven’t found anything that helps.
Any insight would be much appreciated,
Thanks Zach.