TESTNET: Failed to start all subscriptions when relay trying to connect to other testnet relays

Hey so I’m currently building a testnet magic 1097911063 on-premises stake pool with 1 relay and 1 producer on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS . I’ve got both the prod and relay to communicate with each other however the relay fails to connect with other testnet nodes. after running the log command: journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow

I get the following:

Jun 09 14:48:04 shorty cardano-node[236136]: [shorty:cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Warning:56] [2021-06-09 04:48:04.16 UTC] Domain: “relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohk.io” Failed to start all required subscriptions

I’ve had a previous relay connected successfully to the testnet so i cant understand why I’ve run into this problem, my router can’t be blocking the 3001 port as I haven’t changed anything since. I’ve dug through the forums troubleshooting but haven’t found anything that helps.

Any insight would be much appreciated,
Thanks Zach.

Well, I’ve not done much on test net lately but I did have a look at the testnet topology here. The DNS for that topology file is different than the one in your error message, perhaps this is the cause?

I am referring to addr value being “relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohkdev.io” in that file, emphasis on “iohkdev.io”, rather than *.iohk.io which is what appears in the mainnet topo file.

I’m pretty tired now so that’s my only idea for the moment, but I’ll try to check back and see if that was at all helpful.


oh my god mate, you have saved me. I was just about to rebuild the whole node but you found the problem. Thankyou sm.

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