Testnet-shelley-genesis.json hasPrometheus syntax

Hi, I am trying to setup my own Producer and Relay nodes. I am following the lessons and I am in the monitoring section. The issue I am encountering is that the testnet-shelly-genesis.json file does not have a “hasPrometheus” option. The syntax in the documentation does not seem to work:

  "hasPrometheus": {

while the normal configuration is more on a key:pair format. (example below)

  "activeSlotsCoeff": 0.05,
  "protocolParams": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "minor": 0,
      "major": 2

I think I am missing the key but can’t find it anywhere…any direction will be appreciated.



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Hi @Martin_Rasumoff Welcome to the community.

You are looking at the wrong configuration file. hasPrometheus parameters are part of the testnet-config.json for testnet and mainnet-config.json for mainnet.

You are right! I am sorry for such a newbie mistake :frowning:



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