topologyUpdater returning "glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability"

Running topology updater, it says

{ "resultcode": "403", "datetime":"2021-09-26 22:16:17", "clientIp": "xxx", "iptype": 4, "msg":  "glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability" } 

But my port is open - it’s accessible from the public…


My relay start script:

/usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology ${TOPOLOGY} --database-path ${DB_PATH} --socket-path ${SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr ${HOSTADDR} --port ${PORT} --config ${CONFIG}

What’s going on?

The server is behind a private network?

So I’ve checked and it says my relay node is online, so maybe I’ll just wait the other hour and try again.

In the mean time, @Alexd1985 Do you know the cardano-cli command to view how many incoming connections to my relay node? image
I’m not sure what’s going on with gLiveView, the port says 6000 but from the config I stated above, I’m running the node on port 7003 not 6000. gLiveView is also reporting 0 incoming connections, but I’m going to guess that there are incoming connections, there’s just something wrong with gLiveView reading the network stats.

Do you know the cardano-cli command to manually check the incoming peer nodes? Thanks!

Ok… u started the node with 7003… then nano env and replace cnode port 6000 with 7003 and restart the node…
also I see your producer is not connected to the relay (on relay u have 0 IN peers)

Yeah forget this post. There were too many issues with podman, systemd, dbus, etc… I’m removing my containers and instead running the nodes inside a KVM instead…

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Hi @Alexd1985
Our pool is running here [BTCS$] BTCS Inc. (US Stock: BTCS) | Cardano Staking / Explorer
The topology update logs says

{ "resultcode": "201", "datetime":"2022-07-26 14:33:03", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "nice to meet you" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-07-26 14:33:05", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-07-26 14:33:06", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "203", "datetime":"2022-07-26 15:33:07", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "welcome to the topology" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-07-26 15:33:08", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-07-26 15:33:09", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "204", "datetime":"2022-07-26 16:33:05", "clientIp": "", "iptype": 4, "msg": "glad you're staying with us" }

Our server ip changed yesterday and after that first log was saying nice to meet you. and after that still we are getting “glad you’re staying with us” log. We have port 6000 open in relay.
and producer gLive it says Incoming 0 and outgoing 2. We have only our relay ip and port in mainnet-topology.json in the producer.

After the change of Ip address(our relay and producer both IPs changed), we updated our relay and producer node’s topology.json is there any more changes we need to do?


Nope, for BP u must change the Relay IP inside topology.json and restart the BP
add the new Relay IP in FW rules if u have FW activated (change the PF if is the case, etc)

For Relay just change the BP IP inside and restart the Relay… and u will need to wait more hours…

Oohh and u will need to submit a new pool certificate with the new Relay IP, otherwise the Relay will be seen down on → can’t find the pool on yoroi


PS: check if u have inside crontab 2 scripts for topologyUpdater… i see 2 messages around same time)


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Alex, I just updated the pool certificate and it seems like it worked…I’ll see the topology logs for next few hours.
Will this pool now be visible in yoroi?

Yes it’s visible in yoroi too now.

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@Alexd1985 , I’m getting this log for topology is this good?

"msg": "glad you're staying with us" }

Also now I’m getting one log per hour. I changed the crontab configuration.

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All good, this is what u need

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Hey Alex, I see you helping a lot of people with topology IP:Port reachability. I am reaching out because I am receiving the same error message as the user above when running the topologyUpdater. I have been running a pool for 3 years now so I am pretty familiar with how things work and need to be setup. I checked my port and it is open. I use AWS and all security settings are set up properly. I have no additional firewall that would be blocking ports. I have the latest topologyUpdater and Env files and the variables in those files are setup correctly. Can you help me solve my issue, thanks.

If there is a better way for me to reach out to you, then let me know.


whats your ticker? also can u share the glive output? and one line from topologyupdater error?


Hey Alex, thanks for getting back to me. Last night because I was stumped I decided to upgrade my nodes to 8.7.3 node and 8.17.0 cli, so I am kind of starting the process from scratch. I got my nodes fully synced and re-ran the topology updater and got the “nice to meet you message”. Next I set up a cronjob, so I need to wait at least another hour before the next message. Below I attached the gLiveView of both BP and Relay node. Yesterday, someone pinged my relay and the connection was fine, even they were stumped on why topologyUpdater was not working for me. My ticker is K9K. I’m hoping that it miraculously works today, but I will let you know the next message I see in the logs.


Mike Cislak

Yup, still receiving this message: glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability"

Have 5 IN peers, om the relay shows online… so everything should be fine

Go to config file and set tracemempool to true, save the file and restart the node

I will try that out and get back to you. Thanks.

Still getting the same topologyUpdater message but now I have TX’s coming in so maybe the topologyUpdater is not needed?

It is but did not mention the port there?