Hi there, I first wanted to say thanks to everyone before hand for posting their issues on the forum, I was able to setup my stake pool with the various guides available and solve basically every problem with setup because of a previous post.
I’m making a post because I have gone through other posts related to this issue but can’t seem to find a fix. My relay and block producer and connected to the internet through ethernet cables, I am using internal ip’s 192.168.x.x for both nodes, nodes are fully synced and I port forwarded so the nodes can talk to each other but when I am trying to setup the updater and wait for 4 hours I get this error
{ “resultcode”: “403”, “datetime”:“2022-03-08 04:33:22”, “clientIp”: “70.95.xx.xx”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability” }
the 70.95.xx.xx appears to be my wifi’s public ip I’m not sure if I should be using this instead but I tried checking ports on it and they are closed too
and have the relay ports open on 3001 to allow from anywhere on relay and on block producer
I have 3001 open only the the internal ip of the relay
on adapools my relay has a red error, when I registered I didn’t put dns or pv6 so idk if that is the problem
also on pool.vet I get these error
ticker is [MORAL]
Relay node 192.168.x.xx:3001
Can’t reach relay node 192.168.x.xx:3001
Check manually that the [topology] for relay node 192.168.x.xx:3001 is configured
Relay node 192.168.x.xx:3001 is missing in [topology.json]
also I used the port forwarding tool and checked my ports on internal ip’s and it says they are closed but I have rules added on both nodes to open the ports
would appreciate any help, thanks