Transaction submit failures

So these look ok


mdev@cexs-MacBook-Pro vilvi % echo $targetaddr2


mdev@cexs-MacBook-Pro vilvi % echo $targetaddr3


mdev@cexs-MacBook-Pro vilvi % echo $targetaddr4


If this is a direct copy and paste: This is the error. You have \ $policyid.$tokenname twice in that line.

So there is my eyes are bad glasses me thinks. Also this looks not right

echo $$amount1

I did it again

echo $amount1

Double dollar sign … gives you the current process id.

/Applications/Daedalus\ transaction build \

–testnet-magic 1097911063 \

–alonzo-era \

–tx-in $txhash#$txix \

–tx-out $targetaddr1+$output1+$amount1\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–tx-out $targetaddr2+$output2+$amount2\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–tx-out $targetaddr3+$output3+$amount3\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–tx-out $targetaddr4+$output4+$amount4\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–change-address addr_test1vpdg2dd8x93q3yg20jpa30vm807xzxqj3q76cqzuyup2u3gk3zkh5 \

–mint $amount\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–minting-script-file policy.script \

–witness-override 2 \

–out-file matx.raw

option --tx-out:

unexpected “\8220”

Think I got rid of duplicates

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Also tried to simplify and do just one transaction

/Applications/Daedalus\ transaction build \

–testnet-magic 1097911063 \

–alonzo-era \

–tx-in $txhash#$txix \

–tx-out $targetaddr1+$output1+$amount1\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–change-address addr_test1vpdg2dd8x93q3yg20jpa30vm807xzxqj3q76cqzuyup2u3gk3zkh5 \

–mint $amount\ $policyid.$tokenname \

–minting-script-file policy.script \

–witness-override 2 \

–out-file matx.raw

option --tx-out:

unexpected “\8220”

command not found: --change-address

I think thats the - - so I will type it again

No still the same

It says that it’s somewhere in --tx-out. You can look at all the variables in there with echo.

echo $targetaddr1, $output1, $policyid., $tokenname

“addr_test1qz98lxanjwa9reshw92jqdx5724v8nmqlnwc20trzeupy6sr2fvhhn6msf5xkhgg87exqsruz99cyxduwcn5at4s6nrs7kmmpp”, 0, 80d9b32ae2b30e62bbc5234e7cf90f1dd4190fa3b682ed01f6f80115., “Vilvi”

All echos are good

echo $txhash $txix

4c808f0da9ccf9d87abbc568f29e5c0f45e9de7c3eed0086996faba1a71cd263 0

It definitely does not like this

/Applications/Daedalus\ --change-address addr_test1vpdg2dd8x93q3yg20jpa30vm807xzxqj3q76cqzuyup2u3gk3zkh5

Invalid option `–change-address’

Could be deadalus ?

8220 is a typographical quotation mark:

You have quotation marks in $targetaddr1 and $tokenname. They should not be there.

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It isn’t supposed to be. After cardano-cli you first have to choose what it should do.

YesI had it in outside it was coming up as an error

Think I found the quotes in this

echo $targetaddr1+$output1+$amount1

so now

echo $targetaddr1+$output1+$amount1

unexpected “\8220”

expecting alphanumeric asset name

found it here too

echo $tokenname

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This happens if you forgot the backslash at the end of the line before that.

You want to run cardano-cli transaction build with a whole lot of parameters. You could put all in one line, but that would be rather chaotic. So you put a backslash at the end of a line and continue on the next line.

If you don’t do that, the shell thinks you are finished and executes the command with only parts of the parameters and thinks the next parameters are new commands, which it does not find.

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