Highest payment is 120 ada, that is not fair
We deserve better. Are they telling us that the budget allocation for the entire Fund12 doesn’t have a contingency in place for situations like this? After working our tirelessly Luke clockwork for two weeks to get the job done and all we’re getting is cramps? That’s too bad!
We are always preaching about ecosystem expansion but allowing just Lv0 reviewers to sacrifice their rewards because of that is sad.
We do much of the workload just to be treated like our efforts mean nothing to the Ecosystem.
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That the payment will be a limited amount distributed over all reviewers was clear from the beginning:
If this could be made more/fairer (for whatever someone thinks is “fair”), would be a decision by the Catalyst team. @danny_cryptofay
hello, i am confused here, has the reviewer reward been shared, because i haven’t gotten mine, meanwhile i did good from the result they released
There was a spreadsheet shared in the Telegram group two weeks ago:
Have not been a reviewer, but I thought that the reviewers already got their rewards, just the voters are still waiting.
Okay, thanks for the reply, i didn’t know about that document but after checking the document with my ID I should receive about 90ada but still its not in
@danny_cryptofay Weren’t Level 0 already sent?
Not yet. Still on schedule within original August timeframe. Close now. Keep an eye on announcement channels. D.
Sorry! I assumed since “segments” had been distributed weeks ago, that the rest had been processed in the meantime and only voters are still to do.
I understand the disappointment
And indeed I don’t know why the sudden decision of catalyst to significantly cut down the rewards for LV0s
I asked this question to one of the catalyst team workers/officials, unfortunately I didn’t receive an answer to that. It’s been days now
It has been answered many times by @danny_cryptofay:
The rewards always were a fixed pot determined at the beginning of the fund that is divided by the reviewers participating. More reviewers participating ⇒ less rewards per reviewer. There was no “decision to cut down”. The workings of this system were known and open to anyone willing to participate beforehand.
Fund 10: 1m ADA for LV1, 250k ADA for LV0, Parameter B5 in
Fund 11: 1.12m ADA for LV1, 280k ADA for LV0, Parameter B5 in
Fund 12: 1m ADA for LV1, 250k ADA for LV0, Parameter B6 in