I see that voting has closed on Fund2. A month or so ago, after registration and consideration, I cast my votes on the proposals I thought worthy via the Catalyst App.
The app informed me that my vote had been submitted to the blockchain. Exciting!
It’s all been a bit quiet since then…
I understand it is the holiday break so things are slow but does anyone have any ideas as to when the winners will be announced and when (and how) rewards might be distributed?
Not yet - voting results are not in so far. Rewards will be routed back to your wallet that has your funds snapshot. Expected on 12th so far - tentatively.
I signed up to the Telegram channel and couldn’t make much sense of it. I’m not a natural social media user. It seemed to be just Town Hall broadcasts and notices from the Catalyst Team without any community input.
One of the Town Hall meetings I saw (#3) suggested 20.01.2021 as a date rewards distribution but that has come and gone without rewards being shown in the android voting app.
I don’t really mind not receiving any ada though I’m a bit underwhelmed by the lack of communication.