Unveiling the Future of Decentralized Storage with Iagon's CEO

Dive into the compelling world of decentralized technology with Navjit Dhaliwal, the dynamic CEO of Iagon. Iagon, a cutting-edge cloud computing platform, presents a fascinating case study of a team’s drive to better understand user needs and provide a robust platform for shared storage economy. With the combined strength of a 19-person tech team and four dedicated co-founders, Navjit guides us through their exciting journey, the importance of compliance, and their decision to seek a patent to safeguard their groundbreaking project.

As we map out Iagon’s unique path, we’ll uncover why they switched their operations to Cardano in 2021. Navjit throws light on the key factors that influenced this decision, emphasizing Cardano’s superior transaction speeds and enhanced security provisions over Ethereum. He also offers insights into Iagon’s present initiatives involving their tech team, the liquidity program, and the decentralized system. From their enterprise strategy to creating problem-solving tools and plans for decentralized storage and compute, Navjit paints a vivid picture of Iagon’s future and their preparation for success. So, plug in your earphones and get ready for a riveting conversation about Iagon’s journey, mission, and vision.