I’m having an issue when running cabal-build-all.sh:
Any idea what the issue is? I haven’t had luck resolving this yet.

Try running this -
$CNODE_HOME/scripts/cabal-build-all.sh -o

What operating system are u using?

my operating system is Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

running $CNODE_HOME/scripts/cabal-build-all.sh -o resulted in the same error

did u ran the prereqs before?

Yes, I’m on GHC v8.6.5 if that makes any difference.

ghc - -version

I think u need 8.10.2

It’s telling me that 8.6.5 is the newest version when I try to run sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade ghc

Did u tried to update the server?

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo reboot

I found the fix:

One of the first steps has you install or update ghcup.

Running the 2 lines below worked for me:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh
source ~/.bashrc

My node is currently building.


After prereqs.sh did u reload the bashrc?
. “${HOME}/.bashrc”

if you are using guild operator steps then follow this.

missed to see your reply :slight_smile:

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Yep, I remembered to reload it.

I’m using CNTools setup

Regarding the db snapshot I just verified on my relay that there is no need to copy the immutable folder to shorten the re-syncing. Only the ledger and volatile folders need to be copied to other nodes.

hello Alex:
I upgraded my BP but in the gliveview headre it says relay - mainnet instead of core - mainnet
any ideas?
Do I need to run deploy-as-systemd.sh on the BP?

ghcup wasn’t required for 1.25.1 so that might be a comment that could be included in the update guide

It is synced? if not u will see relay

Hi Alex,
4 nodes successfully updated with your tuto. :innocent:
Syncing delay : relays : 1h40m, BP : 2h45m, with sometimes this red message “connection to the node lost”. But visibly no effect on syncing…

I reboot my test relay server and don’t see any issues. All services are up and running.

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