Updating KES

Hi all,
I’ve a problem updating KES, node.counter give me 14 but on adapools site OpCertC is 1.
I’ve try to update KES file with 2 and with 15 but always I’ve got 0.

What can I do to fix this?



Nothink, on adapools it’s showing the last counter used… everything > 1 will be OK


Hi Alex,
so there is no way to fix the KES remaining ?


what do you mean? just follow the steps from the guide ( I assume coincashew guide) then you must restart the node

I follow this guide

and when I’ve restarted the node I got 0 KES, and I’ve tried with a number greater then 1.


type curl localhost:12798/metrics

you need all the info?

sorry curl localhost:12798/metrics | grep KES


ok, let’s see do you have an airggaped machine? or do you have the files on live producer?

yes airgapped machine

ok, so the steps are:

  • calculate startKesPeriod (live producer)
  • create a new KES key pair (live producer)
  • copy kes.vkey to airggaped server
  • create the new node.cert (airgapped server)
  • copy node.cert back to your live producer (check with ls -l and verify the date, the files was copied properly)
  • restart the node (live producer)


I’ve done the sequence but KES remaining is still 0
I’ve used kes-period 15

Huh? Why 15?

Wait wait I know where u are doing wrong… 15 is just an information…

You must run

slotNo=$(cardano-cli query tip --mainnet | jq -r '.slot')
slotsPerKESPeriod=$(cat $NODE_HOME/${NODE_CONFIG}-shelley-genesis.json | jq -r '.slotsPerKESPeriod')
kesPeriod=$((${slotNo} / ${slotsPerKESPeriod}))
echo startKesPeriod: ${startKesPeriod}

and the ouptut you should be writed here (startKesPeriod)

chmod u+rwx $HOME/cold-keys
cardano-cli node issue-op-cert \
    --kes-verification-key-file kes.vkey \
    --cold-signing-key-file $HOME/cold-keys/node.skey \
    --operational-certificate-issue-counter $HOME/cold-keys/node.counter \
    --kes-period <startKesPeriod> \
    --out-file node.cert
chmod a-rwx $HOME/cold-keys

The output should be 399

So u must run

chmod u+rwx $HOME/cold-keys
cardano-cli node issue-op-cert \
    --kes-verification-key-file kes.vkey \
    --cold-signing-key-file $HOME/cold-keys/node.skey \
    --operational-certificate-issue-counter $HOME/cold-keys/node.counter \
    --kes-period 399 \
    --out-file node.cert
chmod a-rwx $HOME/cold-keys

ahhhh ok, I try again

thx Alex

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For sure it will work now… u used 1-15 which is somewhere in the PAST …
