What does this mean?

Hi All,
I was just over at https://adapools.org and saw this:
Screen Shot 2020-01-10 at 5.21.31 am
Doesn’t look too good. What does it mean?

The network is not completely down.

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No it doesn’t seem like the network is down but there appear to be more Errors than Blocks from what I can see. I don’t know what that exactly entails though
Is this all part of the dodgy LION stake pool thang?

We are monitoring our 4 passive nodes in two areas and their stability and it is applicable to the whole network. And the graph shows when they crashed. Before the forks, it was quite stable. I hope it will be solved by the new Version of jormungandr or when some cheaters realized that this is their fault. But you know, it is fine that we find it during the testnet, it will be fixed and we can continue.


I’m sure they know. But let’s see it in a different light: I hope that everyone tries to cheat and to attack as much as possible now during the testnet. That’s the way we get it robust. Not by being all nice guys.

The testnet becomes robust when every cheating leads to less rewards.


They should keep what they’re doing to attack the network as much as they can.
That’s the point of testnet, to find and fix the vulnerable hole, so when the mainnet is ready, the network would be strong, robust, and resilient.


The trouble is, this fault is already well known but can’t immediately be fixed (IDK why), there is no benefit, these people are just selfishly trashing the system.


Well said. To me such practices are no different to hackers exploiting well known vulnerabilities for their own personal gains. The only difference is that this time their practices are exposed in real time and attached to their pool ticker.

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Yeah, at this point the LION guy (and others like him) are simply being greedy Ds, no matter how they try to spin it.

But there are always going to be be bad actors. The more of this crap they pull now, the more resilient the mainnet will (hopefully) become.

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