What’s next for Cardano? IO’s Roadmap Proposal – a Vision for Cardano’s Future

GM Cardano,

A recent blog from Mike Ward, CPO at Input Output, outlined IO’s views on What’s next for Cardano?. This is IO’s proposal and we hope a valuable and important contribution to the broader discussion on where Cardano goes next. As the ecosystem moves into full community governance, different perspectives will help shape the final roadmap.

Why It Matters

IO has outlined its view . Other contributors to the ecosystem will also be sharing their perspectives and offer their own proposals, and the community will need to align around a path forward. Discussions happening now across the ecosystem and beyond will influence that direction.

IO’s vision focuses on three areas:

  • Scalability

  • Usability & Utility.

  • Interoperability & Extensibility

We explore each of these themes in depth in the document we invite you to read and discuss in the Intersect Product Working Group.

What Do You Think?

  • Introduce yourself! What’s your role in Cardano? What hats do you wear in the ecosystem? Your perspective helps shape meaningful discussions.

  • Does this align with your priorities?

  • What’s missing?

  • What questions do you have for IO?

How to Get Involved

Cardano’s future is being shaped right now. Let’s make this count!


Just dropping some thoughts here…

I feel like Hydra should have been delivered in Basho, but it’s good to see it specified here. Basho seems it was a bit of a ghost era. A couple of transaction size increases and a memory unit increase. Era done. I get I’m probably over simplifying it, but that’s the common user perspective.

Interesting and also positive to see midnight here on a Cardano roadmap, but just how beneficial is going to be ‘for Cardano’? The Solana degens get $10k airdrops every 6 months (bonk, JITO, jump etc). You may think they’re trivial, but they motivate people to use the chain, and the hype created pushes the price up leading to those people interacting more within the ecosystem creating a positive loop. Might the bubble pop? Sure, but it hasn’t yet. Midnight is going to be an airdrop (yay) and what do they propose? To also include Solana (and BTC and ETH etc). I hope it works, but I would really much rather this be a Cardano exclusive airdrop (or maybe Cardano + BTC). Make people create a Cardano wallet, and get them hyped and active here for a change.

Also, what’s happened to tiered fees? I don’t think I saw it, and it seems like something that would be useful.

Most other stuff looks reasonable. Good luck

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It’s good to see what IOG has planned and what its goals are for the future.

Couple this with what other parts of the community are building and bringing to Cardano, and we are certainly in for an exciting future for the chain.