When transfer i can’t confirm but get any thing o ledger

I using yoroi with a ledger.
But I just Updated the ledger of now I can’t confirm transactions or withdraw rewards.
It seems it can’t find the ledger.
But if I add a new wallet to yoroi there are no problems and it find the ledger.
Any one know if it might be because of just got some tokens/nfts send to my wallet.
Can that mess up?

Can’t found out if it is the update from ledger or yoroi because of the nfts.

Could be indeed few issues with yoroi… can u try on another browser? If still not working u can perform same transactions from adalite.io

It’s through the app on a iPhone.
But can try it through Ada lite.
Would prefer to stay in yoroi.

Ok, I know u will want yoroi but til the yoroi will be fixed u can use adalite.io

the funds are secured by ledger so connecting the ledger to daedalus,yoroi or adalite.io will not affect anything … there are different apps which allow you to access the ledger and perform transactions

Thanks will try that.

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