Recently I noticed that the reward history window would not show up in Yoroi wallet (Dashboard tab). The total rewards amount was correctly presented, but there was no chart with bars where I could see how many ADA I got each epoch. It worked before.
Is this temporary issue? Could you shed light on it?
could be related with the rewards calculation issue
Hi guys I want to ask something every time that I’m withdrawing the rewards I’m losing from available founds why ?? It should be the opposite… I don’t know what’s going on … 3 times that I did withdraw the three times mi us from the available founds…
you will lose ~0.2 ADA for transaction fee… is that the right amount?
Almost but why ???
because each time when you will withdraw the rewards, a transaction must be submitted and… each transactions has a fee…
that’s why you should withdraw the rewards once/month or once/2 months…or… but not each epoch
Ok, let’s see how it goes.
I know that it takes fees but when the rewards are more than the fees why doesn’t add the rest of the rewards …
Same observation. The graph was present before. Today, It disappeared . . .
Same here. This happened after the Alonzo fork. Now there’s no way to audit your reward payout by Epoch now.
This was a great feature. Why would they even think about removing it?
Is this going to be fixed?
yes, will bee, till then go to pooltool.io → rewards data for taxes → paste the stake/payment address → click search and voila… .same data as yoroi
Oh wow . . . you revealed a better tool !
Thanks Alexd1985, it worked even better
Thanks, Alex!
I believe it’s coming back with this next Yoroi Wallet release. Until then there’s an extension: My Ada Rewards - Chrome Web Store to show delegations and rewards without having to dig around in blockchain explorers.
I’m fed up with my Yoroiwallet in stakingpool ADA/MELD2 Epoch310 was the last reward, then nada…nopes…njente. After that I changed the stakingpool to Cardanocafe. Still no rewards???
Do you want to share your stake address, so that we can see what’s going on?
There were no general problems with getting rewards ever.
And if so Yoroi has little to do with it. It’s just an interface to the Cardano blockchain.
Wenn ich dass wĂĽsste Er deutet bereits an, dass ich mit Cardanocafe stake. Aber ich habe noch keinen SchlĂĽssel gesehen?
Der Stake-Key gehört zur Wallet, nicht zur speziellen Delegation. Der ist immer da, sobald man eine erstellt hat. Steht unter “Receive” – “Rewards“.
Hallo Hepta Sean,
Es kann manchmal 3x Epochen dauern, bis die Belohnungen ausgezahlt werden. Ich habe nur 2 abgeschlossen. Also noch etwas warten. Ich melde mich wegen des Status bei Ihnen zurĂĽck. Vielen Dank LG Ger