About the Setup a Stake Pool category

I’m in the same process like you.

Personnally for the moment my entry points are:

  1. Stake Pool School - Stake pool course Please note that this course has been archived. We moved this whole section to the new developer portal on: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/operate-a-stake-pool/
  2. https://docs.cardano.org/projects/cardano-node/en/latest/getting-started/building-the-node-using-nix.html
  3. https://testnets.cardano.org/en/cardano/get-started/installing-and-running-the-cardano-node/building-the-node-using
  4. https://docs.cardano.org/projects/cardano-node/en/latest/
  5. https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900001951646-Building-a-node-from-source

I have not gone into details yet. I think I have to finished the course in 1. , so as everything is clear.

The coincashew guide also has been cited several times in several post over the internet:

I have not consulted it yet, but as said, some SPO seems to have based their configuration following this guide as reference. And do praise it.