ADA Ticker TRACKER Using An ESP32 and OLED Display

Hello everyone
As the owner of some ADAS holder, I’m looking at my cell phone all day to see if the price goes up or down, especially these days.
I thought of doing a small “cheap” project that allows you to see the ADA market at all times and have it next to your computer. I know there are some other similar projects but they are more generic and quite expensive. I would also like to be able to enter the number of Adas I have and know what I have in exchange for Euros or Dollars. For example, Yoroi doesn’t do that.
I wanted to ask if you, the community, find it interesting and if so what other things can be included in the project. If there is interest, I will update this Thread with the progress I am making.
Thank you all !!

Just received an ESP32 and OLED Display in order to work in a HW ADA Tracker price.