ADAholycs [AHOLY] addicted to CARDANO

Hey folks,

we are pleased to announce our homebrewed pool ADAholycs!

Our specs/metadata is:

About us:

We are Johann, a full time theoretical physicist working in high energy physics and Simon, a PhD student working in theoretical physics and computer science encompassing machine learning algorithms. We have expertise in writing program codes, working with unix, networks and many program languages, especially in hard computations. Since we believe in the Cardano community and its mission, we promise to give the same passion to operating our ADAholycs pool as we give to physics!

In particular we appreciate that Cardano is offering a testnet and use it to verify that our setup is block producing. For that we keep our testnet pool online to test changes and manage maintenance.

Our next step is to launch an additional environmentally friendly pool run solely on a Raspberry Pi. At the end of this year we plan to have two pools, one in the area of Frankfurt and one in the area of Geneva.

The ADAholycs pool is completely automated and 24/7 online. Feel free to delegate and support us!



Hey folks,

now I am diving slowly deeper into the Cardano staking world and the hearts of the delegates.
Besides the short introduction here, there are more important things about this pool!

  • Our pool is 100% run on green power supply. The pool at home and the host of the website!
  • We follow the rule one stake pool per entity. Simon my collaborator will launch his own pool at his own place! We help each other on technical issues but the keys are never shared at any time!
  • Since everything is homebrewed we stay at least as long as 5 years and we are the N+1 pool supporting the decentralization in the world.
  • As it comes to charity I am not willing to promote my private charity plans, which exist outside the Cardano family. As soon as the pool hits 2 million ADA active stake I feel dedicated to give the support back! Hit me on this Forum or use our contact section on the website. My interest is more into the direction to provide clean water supply around the world. Water is such a sparse resource, that we face already difficulties to clean the water in central Europe!


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Hey folks,

as a theoretical physicist I am often asked why do you do theoretical physics there is no practical value?
For me it is always hard to explain that the value is intrinsic and many fields benefit from our fundamental research. Theoretical physics by no means is mainstream but trust me our society benefits from our research or our best practices. For example our community shares on our knowledge for free. Now the fight against the Coronavirus picked up the same best practices, see: Advanced Search | arXiv e-print repository

How is it related to Cardano? People ask me why do I not switch off the pool. Why do I upgrade even more? The answer is simple it adds intrinsic value to the network of Cardano. This value is measured in terms of decentralization. Unfortunately we do not have a common definition for the term value of decentralization. Let me tell you this, the more decentralized Cardano becomes the more value your stacked ADA will be, if you like in terms of Dollar or Bitcoin!

But for us the stake pool operators the value should be the future of Cardano and breaking boundaries! We produce the groundbreaking development for the future of the blockchain. The goal is not to become mainstream but to become the standard for the blockchain infrastructure and show that the Cardano community has the most valuable best practices.

If you are here to delegate then pick a small truly decentralized pool and delegate improving the decentralization and raise the value of Cardano.

If you are a developer of Cardano network we should think about to put our research as well on

If you are SPO remember every additional decentralized pool adds value to Cardano.


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