I have tried to upgrade to version 1.34.0 on one of my relay node.
Since then my node is down (pooltool, etc) and gLiveView won’t start.
I have the following logs on “topologyUpdater_lastresult.json”
{ "resultcode": "502", "datetime":"2022-03-01 14:40:53", "clientIp": "", "msg": "invalid blockNo []" }
{ "resultcode": "502", "datetime":"2022-03-01 14:40:57", "clientIp": "", "msg": "invalid blockNo []" }
and when i launch the gLiveView i get this error “Connection to node lost, retrying (2/3)!”, etc
I haven’t touch my topology file but before doing anything anyone has an advise ?
Pool ticker DODO
Thanks for your support
type sudo systemctl status cnode
with glive it’s a known issue … you must wait for next glive update
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udo systemctl status cardano-node
● cardano-node.service - Cardano node service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-03-01 15:30:50 CET; 27min ago
Main PID: 409 (startRelayNode1)
Tasks: 10 (limit: 19191)
Memory: 14.9G
CGroup: /system.slice/cardano-node.service
├─409 /bin/bash /home/dodopool_io/cardano-my-node/startRelayNode1.sh
└─499 /usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology /home/dodopool_io/cardano-my-node/mainnet-topology.json --databas>
Mar 01 15:57:37 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:37.11 UTC] Validated chunk no.>
Mar 01 15:57:37 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:37.11 UTC] Validating chunk no>
Mar 01 15:57:40 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:40.31 UTC] Validated chunk no.>
Mar 01 15:57:40 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:40.31 UTC] Validating chunk no>
Mar 01 15:57:44 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:44.33 UTC] Validated chunk no.>
Mar 01 15:57:44 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:44.33 UTC] Validating chunk no>
Mar 01 15:57:47 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:47.15 UTC] Validated chunk no.>
Mar 01 15:57:47 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:47.15 UTC] Validating chunk no>
Mar 01 15:57:50 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:50.08 UTC] Validated chunk no.>
Mar 01 15:57:50 relay1 cardano-node[499]: [relay1:cardano.node.ChainDB:Info:5] [2022-03-01 14:57:50.08 UTC] Validating chunk no
ok, now press top
do u see the CPU ~100% for cardano node?
if yes then u must wait for the node to start (perhaps the DB is resyncing… anyway you can see the status of the node if u press any key on glive when u see that error.
yes indeed 101.7%. So does it means that this new release needs more CPU capacity ?
I notice as you said in your last comment when i press any key on gLiveView I can see the status.
I will wait for synch but I do not know why my relay has been seen down.
I will post the gLiveView capture once it is synched.
Do you know if there is a delay on pooltool before being seen up ?
no, it means the relay didn’t started yet… on glive you will see starting…
Well when i press a key after launching gLiveView i can see now that my relay is in sych (Tip diif is allright).
I have tested that my relay port is open and everything look ok.
But i still see my node down on all public monitoring plateform (pooltool, adapools, etc.).
Do you know if it is a matter of time ?
Yes, u should see it online … just wait more time
Hi Alex,
Thank You!
I confirm that after few hours my relay is seen online on all public platform.
I appreciate your help on my request.
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glive is working again, update to the latest version
the new version on the BP missed slot check is showing 99.9%
Ok, and is increasing or not?