Allow user to see their NFT tokens

Hi guys,

wanted to ask how it can be done in cardano as it is done with metamask.
We created a collection of NFT and user are currently buying them. One of the request from them is to be able to see what they own under a page like my assets. Is there a way for them to connect there cardano wallet (also hardware wallet) that we don’t get access to anything except user address so we can check what assets are on the wallet (we don’t want our app to get in a way of compromising their assets)?


I believe can do that.

In my estimation, it is highly unlikely that we will see wallets like Daedalus or Yoroi loading such images/content, as this provides an additional attack vector.

But as already mentioned by @POOLG , interesting projects like Nami wallet or ccwallet are popping up that might fill a gap here and bring in additional features. More about this on

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