NFT Image Files/Metadata

Hello guys,

So this NFT craze as been extremely exciting to say the least.

I decided to try my hand at creating some assets on the Cardano blockchain. I have been able to mint assets with some simple metadata successfully using CNtools.

Now I am running into a problem where I am unable to get the image to display after being minted on I am currently using to upload the image too, then I am taking the CID and pasting it into the metadata, but still cant seem to get the image to display.

        "0": {
            "name": "NFT_TEST",
            "description": "NFT_TEST_DESCRIPTION",
            "image": "ipfs://QmY9NfLmFocDyqsSWVF4AjF3f9BpH2mmxsZAMGRqoVnKCG"

What am I missing here?

Any assistance would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

I guess needs a certain format in order to parse the data properly - the best way would be to reach out to

I have this same question/issue. And my name is also Tyler which is strange…

@Tylert16 any updates?

Have you checked the metadata on one of the transactions that show up in

Yeah so it seems to be the most consistent reasoning I get from others is that does not support the IPFS meta data structure I have set up, or something similar to that. I was told to check out, and use them to serve the IFPS image hash.

I have been reading the docs, but am pretty unfamiliar with the proper way to set that up.

Yes I have check it. Check out what I just replied to @mcvetyty.

I’m having the same issue, and I didn’t find any complete tutorial about how to mint using CNTOOLS.

I’m doing this on a block producer node of my staking pool, which i’ve installed following this on guild-operators scripts and CNTOOLS.

Here is what I did:

1- Activate CNTOOLS advanced Mode

Change cntools.config (scripts folder) for enabling the advanced mode.
Run ./

2- Create a Wallet
select “Walet” → “New” → follow the steps for creating a wallet
Sending ADA to the new wallet and validate transaction is completed
3- Create a Policy
Go back to home menu and select “Advanced” → “Multi-Asset” -->“Create Policy” → follow the steps for creating a new policy
4- Create Metadata
Upload the file which will be minted to IPFS and copy the ID for preparing Metadata with the policy ID previously crteated as below:

“721”: {
“replace by policy_id”: {
“NFT01”: {
“name”: “Logo01”,
“Collection”: “Final Edition”,
“Series”: “S000”,
“Id”: “01”,
“Description”: “Logo NFT Test - short”,
“Rareness”: “Uniq”,
“Artist”: “Myname”,
“Copyright”: “Copyright 2021”,
“image”: “ipfs://ipfs/QmSdwdyikmRS9iZQfGpxbFsQTKdyhfTWm4jn3fcpDjXNaS”

Go back to home menue, the “Advanced” → Metadata"–> “Online” → “No JSON Schema (default)” → “enter” → open nano editor and paste prepared metadata, exit, save → “Stop”, i didn’t continue for signing the metadata as i guess it will be done during next step

5- Mint the asset
Back to home menu:
select “Advanced” → “Multi-Asset”–>“Mint Asse” -->Select the created policy for minting → enter asset name → define number of minted tokens of this asset —> Attach JSON file = yes —> browse and select created metadata file —>Select wallet to mint assets on and cover the transaction fees → wait for it, and it is completed.

When I check my wallet, I see the minted tokens as assets and they are listed on, but I can’t display them, hereunder is what I get:

Could someone please explain me what am I doing wrong, and what should I do ???
How could I correctly mint using CNTOOLS ?

I’ve tried to Rgesiter the asset minted (“Advanced” → “Multi-Asset”–>“Register Asset”), but it is requiring “token-metadata-creator” which I didn’t know how to install … ???

I get this message when i check my wallet assets:

No metadata registered in Cardano token register for this asset

I’ve tried multiple Metadata files formats, or IPFS files or structures, but I’m getting the same result.


You install and use the tools in the nix-shell if I am correctly.