I read a far right person from ohio is running for senator.
One of his positions is Ban the fed and pro bitcoin.
I also read a top Trump advisor is pro bitcoin
*I also read a democrat senator is pro bitcoin
But to play devils advocate How much “Right” "Far Right " Bitcoin do you want endorsed?
How long would you respect the President?
El Salvador’s President insulted Americans Who voted for Biden Yesterday on twitter.
Also I read top BTC chip maker has a $100billion investment over the next 3 years. Are Americans supposed to follow all the BTC endorsements and put us at a microchip disadvantage long term while simultaneously pump this “Us Dollar replacement”? Whos to say this chip maker doesn’t become our worse nightmare several years from now and start selling microchips to Anti American type people.
*this chip maker also does plenty of stuff for US corporations but to tie it with something that is arguably going to compete with the dollar?
When all the orders for the chips came in they probably heavily invested in bitcoin.
They win twice and put American chip maker behind.