I have some cold private keys and delegated through CLI a long time ago… Since then things have changed and it’s a big project to update/make a full node running on my Mac. I basically just need the utxo for one address and to submit transaction (all other signing and building transaction stuff I can do on my cold machine). Is there something similar online? I saw this Blockfrost.io ~ API Documentation but I just don’t understand how I run it. When I enter my address in the url given as an example to get the utxo (https://cardano-mainnet.blockfrost.io/api/v0/addresses/{address}/utxos) it gives me an error message saying “include a project”.
No. I can basically wipe out my machine and build a new node, it’s just that I’m looking for an easier way since I’m already at an advanced stage at slot 39 million.
I have an Ubuntu virtual machine with 4GB of RAM allocated on my MacBook Pro mid 2014. I’ve always used this machine that worked perfectly since June 2020 for the Cardano node.
Ok, then increase it and tell me… do u want to use the cntools or coincashew guide? Cntools has a GUI interface for transactions… but u can also choose to create them manually