Any news about RT View?

Good evening everyone,

in the release notes of 1.21.1 a new upcoming external “RT View” (RT for real-time) monitoring tool which will be released separately is announced. I would like to ask if there are any news / previews about this tool?

Thanks! :coffee: :slight_smile:

RT view seems to be some external tool:
–> Removed link as site was moved. See @lauris post!

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It’s already available (still in early stages) you can check the RT View GitHub repository.


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Thank you! :slight_smile: Will have a look into this!

Hey guys, :slight_smile:

is there some sort of roadmap available about RTView? :coffee:

I think this software is a great way to start monitoring all your nodes from one comfortable dashboard. However, there are still many issues in there which need to be solved! :coffee:

  • I strongly encourage the developer team to help users to get rid of the requirement of configuring apache2 or nginx as reverse proxy.
  • I also noticed that restarting RTView leads to the nodes being unable to reconnect to RTView. You have to start RTView first, and then therafter start the nodes.
  • I also have issues right now with the metrics about CPU, RAM, Network and Disk. They all show 0. Does this issue have anybody else?

This decision is due to their wish not re-implement possible TLS-connections. Also see comments in

Understandable. Sad, due to RT View’s inability to run using non-root URLs people will not be able to use Lets Encrypt certificates. Nobody will be willing to pay for an extra certificate. Therefore >90% of internet accessible RT view installations will be running without encryption for now :frowning: .

Rt View has to be started first. Known issue - also see above youtube comments.

Most likely you’re missing the some trace forwarder-backends. I use the following settings

  "options": {
    "mapBackends": {
      "cardano.node-metrics": [
      "cardano.node.BlockFetchDecision.peers": [
      "cardano.node.ChainDB.metrics": [
      "cardano.node.Forge.metrics": [
      "cardano.node.metrics": [
      "cardano.node.version": [
      "cardano.node.release": [
      "cardano.node.commit": [

Scaling of the network usage/memory diagrams is not correct/not updated in my case. But CPU- and disk-diagrams work. My memory usage is visible in ‘pane view’ - it is there but not plotted correctly.

Hey hanswurst,

thanks for your reply and the link to youtube. I just read the comments in there and basically everything I experienced is stated there as well!
Good to here that the service issue will be fixed in the next release. :slight_smile: :coffee:

As there was no release-video, which seems to be the primary source of info for most :wink: , some may not have noticed that version 0.2 was released. It turns the configuration in json file-format, and fixes the scaling issues on the graphs.
It only seems to show complete data for cardano-node version 1.23.0 (I always one relay to test out new node versions before release). The change log states it has only been tested with nodes 1.23.0 and 1.22.1 - which have not been officially released. So I guess most operators are still on 1.21.1…

Edit: Ok, 1.23.0 has just been released. So, this will be the go-to release for RT view now :slight_smile:

I upgraded to 1.23.0 and I’m still using grafana to monitor the nodes… no rush for me to use RTview for the moment :grinning:

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