Art Contest - *Winners Announced* -


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It sucks I stumbled upon this contest just yesterday evening. Most likely I won’t finish in time as I have to go out in few hours.

Anyway here is work in progress - my idea was to portrait Cardano as the future that the young generation will reach. Young toddler reaching up symbolizes the prospect of our future that, although still fragile, has unlimited potential with only stars being the ceiling and if we groom it right it will grow up to be strong and prosperous.

I’m submitting my entry. It’s still work in progress but I have to go out in a while. I certainly plan to finish it to marketing art level if I win. It’s a fun project.


If “statement made” is a part of the judging criteria, I submit this is a powerful piece of art.

Especially when there’s a million of 'em out there, circulating.

Last minute, I love it! thanks for taking the time to join in.

Edit: well technically 2 1/2 hours left to submit to the contest, but ya, basically last minute entry :slight_smile:


Just for fun but the very essence IMHO :slight_smile:

I have a thing for particular effects. Not sure if i qualify for the competition. But made something anyway, because… particles!


This is incredible! @Bullish for the prize!


as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, my approach is a bit different. i thought it’d be most useful to make something that a person could make personal and have the potential to spread far and wide.

so i’ve sketched some camera filters / AR masks that anyone can use on their desktop/laptop via their webcam using snap camera (no snapchat account required, if i remember correctly). or alternatively from within snapchat!

here’s an early example i made earlier :wink:


oh and others like this work in progress…

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Very out of the box

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Above are the accepted submissions to the contest.
Thank you all for participating, I hope it was fun for all that entered, I certainly have enjoyed it.
I will post to this thread the name of the winners when the decision is made :slightly_smiling_face:


neat stuff @Bullish, hope it gets a bunch of views! curious, how long did it take you to put it together?

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sux, i know you and me both came across it late but you know, i recon it’s the first of many others to come… :wink: :clap: :slight_smile:

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We will see. Although I usually don’t enter competitions - I either charge for my paintings or paint my own ideas for fun. For this one I had a vision I wanted to test so I participated :slight_smile:


Only just getting started!

thanks @shera_ghag

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I’d be happy if lots of people enjoyed it. Took around a day i guess, didn’t keep track of hours as i do these sort of designs in between other projects.

You know, as a useful way to procastrinate, or at least thats what i keep telling myself when i procastrinate. :sweat_smile:

I really like your snapchat style filter. I feel like this should be a thing. I would use them. Very cool idea mate!

Btw @misteraxyz i have to ask, is this missing music? Or do you feel it’s not that important, i tried a couple of tracks that would not get me into trouble on youtube. But i decided it would be better to make the submission deadline then to obsess over having a matching track.

Good royalty free music is though to find.


i strongly feel like those of us who are skilled practicing creatives ought to leverage our abilities to improve and increase the community. we can really have an exponential effect here…

you laugh but a huge part of being creative is actually doing random shit cause that’s how ideas are found and resolved… in the stew of the subconscious…

:clap: that’s one hell of a turn around, colour me impressed!

you know i didn’t even notice it lacked music, which is a compliment as not only did it help me take in the information without cognitive overload but also conventionally most music choices are usually just super off-putting… as you’ve pointed out, they’re very rarely custom and so come from some library with choices which… :persevere: on a positive note been working on a suggestion for a brand sonic signature, to play over the name & sign animation, and it’s been quite an interesting exploration that’s illustrated just how tricky it is to arrive at something that works. looking forward to sharing it soon

i’m glad you like it, best part is that it’s not limited to the app! I’m about to post something that i think could make it a thing :face_with_monocle:

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so…is it over? :frowning: i just found this topic…