hey guys, looking for some advice here
I have my node in my house and unfortunately my isp doesn’t provide static ip. My ip changes after every 7/10 days and i have to change my topology file every time and this causes some downtime. Can you please suggest if there’s any way to get a public ip when my isp doesnt provide any? any other suggestions/solutions… please let me know
I would suggest taking your relays (and bp) to the cloud - second to that create a dns record to point to your relays which you can register with your pool and update manually as your ISP updates your IP. You will need your relays listed in other operators’ topologies, so a dns record makes sense there if the underlying ips are changing.
Thanks a lot frog. Much appreciated.
You can use Dynamic DNS service, which will dynamicly change ip to a dns entry, so you can use a dns name in topology file instead of changing the ip all the time
Thanks a lot. Can u suggest a dynamic dns service? I’m still researching which service to use. Appreciate ur help
sry, haven’t used one for a while, maybe other members can help you out with this one
Hey there
I guess one of the most well-known services is probably DynDNS. In former days they were for free! Today, you have to pay a small fee for it:
When I see it correctly, the service noip is an alternative for free: https://www.noip.com/
Thanks chris. Much appreciated
Free and open-source, and provides ready-to-use configs for for example ddclient for updating your IP
thanks so much
I really do think that you have to set-up all the nodes (BP and Relays) to the cloud. I know, because I’ve been to your dilemma, wanting to set-up at home but ISP doesn’t allow. So I finally decided to get a cloud service provider (AWS) for my pool. You won’t have problem with static IP in clouds, they are bundled on the instances you create in it.
thanks @adalapuz …another solution i’e been thinking is vpn…some providers give u dedicated ip
The problem with dynamic DNS is there might be a slight latency issue. Most ISPs also offer a business connection and will provide a static IP with this.
basically, you’re right @theBlueandorange. However, I would like to add that only resolving a hostname may add some extra latency. Once the connection is established, there shouldn’t be any difference between hostname and ip-address regarding latency.
The servers don’t communicate by hostname just IP address. Once the IP address has been resolved it should be cached for a certain amount of time during which there shouldn’t be any difference in latency. However it needs to update this cache otherwise it wouldn’t notice when the IP address changes, so here you have the latency.
disclaimer: I haven’t got around to trying this yet.
You will need to buy some cloud services. If you hunt around there are a lot of options and many allow you to get extra IP addresses.
Assign the extra IP address(es) to your remote server
You need an IP address for each server you want to run, be it a bp or a relay
You need to run VPN software so you can connect your bare metal nodes at home to this VPN server
Each node connects to get its own external IP address which is static, you can connect to the VPN server from anywhere.
So the advantage is that If you get a new IP address at home your node addresses remain the same
In a real emergency… say you have a power out and your local internet goes down. Take the node somewhere else (a friends house, work - be careful?) and reconnect your nodes to the VPN server.
I don’t know why I haven’t seen this suggested anywhere, maybe I haven’t looked. I’m sure someone must have tried this. I’m sure there are pitfalls, please feel free to point them out.