Bitrex is Bad, edit:Binance too

does everyone have their ADA wallet disabled for routine maintenance on Bitrex or is it just me?

I have been stuck all day, unbelievable what a joke of exchange, never had a problem on Binance

From Charles Hoskinson mouth itself the best explanation to the BitRex/Binance problem:

thanks IOHK, we hear you :pray::+1:


ADA is locked at binance too! :frowning:

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why is that? is there a problem with Cardano itself? an update at the wrong time?

that would explain the big discrepancy in price between the two exchanges… and why noone is arbitraging hence fixing it

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Yea, maybe!

finger crossed is a big Cardano problem and we’ll get cheap ADAs for a while… am I too cynical?

No, everything is so experimental, it is hard to say who is guilty and who is not.
That is what i means to be the pioneers on something.
I myself have some precautions regarding the wallet and the transfers and so on.
Be cautious is key in this risky scenarios.

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in Binance the alert says that the wallet is down because of ‘Busy Network’

:frowning: the same generic excuse…
Fasten yr seatbelts

Looks like they are bring it to maintenance so the holder is not able to transfer between exchanges. Is better to stable the price :slight_smile:

synchronised maintenance on both exchanges? must be something else

It starts to be worrying. :disappointed:

Same with me here. Just be patient.

from a reddit user:

[–]andy_crypto[S] 1 point 3 minutes ago
Bittrex literally told me to ask The Cardano team, its in their hands apparently.

Cardano team is probably on holiday…

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My ADA has been locked on bittrex for about 20 hours now…

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Mine is also locked with withdrawal approved. For over 24 h. They still say wallet is in maintenance. I had trouble before with this and they always resolved it.

How can they resolve the fact that I lost arbitrage opportunities for a day and growing?

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yes of course that’s damage they can’t resolve…and I sure hope the coins are freed soon…

Is there no Cardano Team 24h member who can tell us what happens? @jonmoss @tom.kelly @io_jeremy

Comms is on vacation but dev are working. Something caused a slow down of transaction processing, causing the queue to backup. An new api was requested for accounting and the way new addresses are created will be updated. I have not been fully briefed though. We are working on it.


Thanks for the info @io_jeremy
Please, let us know any news.
We appreciate it,