Block producer not updating tip(node)

Hello everyone, i’ve read many helpful topics on this site so I hope you can help me too.
I’m setting up the block producer node, after generating the node.cert and required keys, I relaunched the service following the coincashew guide (step 9).
Node seems synced with the blockchain, however the node tip doesn’t update regularly.
If I restart the service, it does update the tip upon restart, but not every few seconds (like the relay node), so as time goes by the node is getting desynced
cardano-cli query tip --mainnet displays the same outdated node tip.
I don’t think this is the expected behavior, but I couldn’t find any info on it.
should i worry?

gLiveView for reference (block and relay)

i think you have no problem to synch…

please use topologyupdater on relay,
and check deeper about your TXs, you have no TXs…

and if you are post your current status of your nodes,

you run old version, which must be updated.

Thanks for the info,
I’m concerned about building/making the transactions on a node that only syncs upon restart, my guess is that’s why no TX yet.
Sync is down now to (99.9%)

journalctl --unit=cardano-node --since=today
outputs the following:
s = blockproducerIP:35823, remoteAddress = RelayNodeIP:6000}) (Left (FetchDeclineBytesInFlightLimit 864315 196608 393216))]
I believe it’s related, but I cant tell how to fix

and also
[carda-:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] {“credentials”:“Cardano”,“kind”:“TraceStartLeadershipCheck”,“delegMapSize”:289450,“slot”:22973049,"c
feb 28 20:09:01 carda- bash[682868]: [carda-:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] fromList
feb 28 20:09:01 carda- bash[682868]: [carda-:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] fromList
feb 28 20:09:01 carda- bash[682868]: [carda-:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] fromList
feb 28 20:09:01 carda- bash[682868]: [carda-:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] fromList
feb 28 20:09:01 carda- bash[682868]: [carda-:cardano.node.Forge:Info:119] [2021-02-28 19:09:01.00 UTC] fromList [[(“credentials”,String “Cardano”),(“val”,Object (fromList [(“kind”,String “TraceNodeNotLeader”),(“slot”,Number 2.297305e7)]))]

as i remember from the past article / documentation,
all nodes should run on the same version.

still need help on this?

what is the current State and Problem?