I am able to get the relay node synced (figure 1).
I am also appear to be able to get the block producing node synced (figure 2). But, as can be seen in figure 2, the gLiveView displays “Relay - Mainnet” instead of “Core - Mainnet” (as referenced in step 8).
Please can someone advise?
I have set my AWS Ubuntu 20.4 Server’s security groups for the relay node to be able to communicate with the block producing node and anybody else.
The security group for the block producing node is such that it only communicates with the relay node and nothing else.
Both nodes can communicate with each other.
On relay Node: netcat -vnz 6000 Connection to 6000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
On Block producing node: netcat -vnz 6000 Connection to 6000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
Hey @Alexd1985; I read your answers in almost all similar problems but I am facing a relatively different problem.
I was in step 14 of the COINCASHEW tutorial, and my block producer and relay were working well, my unique problem was that the Process TX was 0 in both instances…
After some readings, I tried to modify the port of the relay on my BP instance (as step 4 of the tutorial); So I tried to run again the step Start the nodes (step 8 in the tutorial), but when I did run the ./gLiveView.sh I did note that my Block Producer becomes a relay node;
Could you please give me any light on how to solve this?!
Should I run everything again and recreate all the keys?!?!?!
Any help would be really appreciated, I really do not know how to solve this and I have tried a lot
Hey Alex!! Thank you very much for your fast reply mate;
Yes, the both nodes are synced:
About the start block producer node script, are you meaning about this?
● cardano-node.service - Cardano node service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-05-24 13:55:28 UTC; 6min ago
Main PID: 1507522 (startBlockProdu)
Tasks: 12 (limit: 9449)
Memory: 2.3G
CGroup: /system.slice/cardano-node.service
├─1507522 /bin/bash /root/cardano-my-node/startBlockProducingNode.sh
└─1507523 /usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology /root/cardano-my-node/mainnet-topology.json --database-pa>
I re-did all the topic 7 and 8 steps but still showing the same results as above…
I have a fear to do something wrong that will make me lose my money on this account, idk
I have the same problem and I’m stuck with Relay-Mainnet instead of Core-Mainnet. I have one block producer and one relay node. I followed the CoinCashew Guide and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpslXKOJduI
I don’t find something wrong and I have the keys in my startBlockProducingNode script.
I regenerated the keys and the node.cert with the CoinCashew Guide just for sure but I still have the issue. I also did the Configuring Network Topology in the Part III of the guide.