BP is missing slots since upgrading to 1.27.0

@CheffWallets you can still try the solution recommended by ADA4Good. Data centers that offer VPS services usually include a certain amount of processors for computing. If your BP is running on a VPS with 4 cores, for example, cnode will just use 2 cores due to its’ default setting, so changing this setting and adding a Swap to your server (in case that you have less than 16GB RAM) could make a difference. Bare metal servers are still the best option for the BP node, though. Backups and relays can run on a VPS without troubles. If your pool is not minting any blocks, it could be due to insufficient active stake: my pool is quite small (~100k ADA) and I’ve gotten just 3 blocks in the last 6 months. You can check how many slots your BP is currently missing with this command: curl localhost:12798/metrics | grep "cardano_node_metrics_slotsMissedNum_int" You can also run the gLiveView.sh script to see if you have missed any block. This info will be also shown on the mentioned command if your remove the pipe and the second part of it. In case that you are not missing more than 3 slots per hour (without considering epoch changes), your KES key is up to date and if your BP is properly configured and connected to your relays (you should see the TX property increasing on the gLiveView), then you are probably just having bad luck with the protocol. So getting more delegators should do the trick. I hope this helps! :slight_smile: