BP Node stuck in starting mode for 4 days now

Hi @Alexd1985
I have rebooted my BP node and the status showing as starting for 4 days now, what can be wrong


Well there’s obviously a problem.
Can you do a journalctl of cardano node service and post it here?
Did you do anything before the reboot?

i have updated the cncli tool and then ran the ./cnsli.sh sync command, then restarted the node and after that the issue started

Before we see if anything else is wrong please update cncli again from GitHub - cardano-community/cncli because you are using an old version from GitHub - AndrewWestberg/cncli: A community-based cardano-node CLI tool which is deprecated.
The latest version is 5.1.2 and you are using 4.0.4

I updated the cncli and still experiencing the same issue, this is the steps i took to update the tool:

sudo systemctl stop cnode.service
cd "$HOME/tmp"
delete the existing prereqs.sh file
curl -sS -o prereqs.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cardano-community/guild-operators/master/scripts/cnode-helper-scripts/prereqs.sh
chmod 755 prereqs.sh
./prereqs.sh -c
. "${HOME}/.bashrc"
sudo systemctl start cnode.service

Please post some logs again. Most of the errors at the previous were regarding cncli so let’s see now.

here you go:

If you check the logs you will notice that you still get error messages because of the cncli version 4.0.4.
Either the prereqs.sh did not update it or it was updated but you need to reboot.
I’d suggest you manually get latest cncli version and replace the one at your server(don’t know the path that cntools place it, i think it is ${HOME}/.cargo/bin/cncli but i may be wrong).
Check this guide at the section upgrade 3rd party software and more specific cncli.

I tried that, also the cncli is in the latest version:

what else i could do to fix it ?

the image is not loading can you post it again please
your logs say that cncli is at version 4.0.4 and the minimum required is 5.1.0 so maybe you should check the paths at where cntools look for it and where you have the newer version if you really do