Cannot run gLiveview anymore or CNTools

Please can anyone advise what I can do as I cannot run either gLiveview or CNTools now as I am getting this error:

Guild scripts has now been upgraded to support cardano-node 1.24.2 or higher (1.23.0 found).
Please update cardano-node or use tagged branches for older node version.

I cannot see if I have any peers now or configure anything - is there an easy fix to this or do I have to upgrade my node. This is kind of fraustrating as I just had everything working fine then this happens.

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Upgrade your node to 1.24.2! It’s mandatory to upgrade till HF (16 Dec) if not your BP will not create blocks

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Get used to that upgrade cycle and learn to love it. The pace of change that’s coming through 2021 means you will be upgrading cardano-node a lot :slight_smile:

Yeah… cardano devops are working hard!

Hi there - thanks - I am installing a new node now with version 1.24.2 and following these instructions as they are specific to 1.24.2

Once installed can I just transfer my keys to the relevant folders and change my topology file and I am good to go?

HI there - I am at the stage of giving up. I had everything working before and things were fine but since having to upgrade to 1.24.2 I just cannot get anything to work. I have tried various instructions from different sites including the one above but I always get to a point where there is an exception, an error or something just will not work. I tried upgrading my existing node but everything I tried failed or led to an error. Surely there must be a way of just installing the latest version over the original one but when I do this I get so many configuration changes I can’t see what is happening or know where to go?? Thanks

Yeah. This time there was a full upgrade… and files like env, configurations, topologyupdater need to be edited again in order to start the

Give me more details… what is happened?

Thanks - I was trying for hours and hours yesterday with very little luck. I will have to redo what I was doing so I can get the error messages. Basically I have started from scratch each time with a base template Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine. I have followed the Guild Operators Guild from the start but can’t get it to work, I have then tried the Coincashew Guide and that does’nt work and tried a couple of guides that some of the pools have put out and again everything always ends up with failure messages at some point. It is frustrating because I had my pool working well with both the BP node and the relays doing there work with transactions all being detected and the topology files all working well. I had Grafana working properly and everything was great. I am sure there must be many operators having similar problems so I am not sure why there hasn’t been an end to end guide put out to help with this. Sorry if it sounds like I am rambling on but after all the time I have spent I am really keen to get things working again. I think I will start again with a new fresh ubuntu base machine and use the Guild operators guide and once I get to a problem I can post it. Once again I really do appreciate your help on this.

Hi there - so I have started in the install on the Guild operators guide and in the Node and CLI section under Build Cardano Node I execute the code to checkout 1.24.2 but when trying to execute -o I get this error

$CNODE_HOME/scripts/ -o
bash: /scripts/ No such file or directory

Ok so I navigate to the scripts folder and try to execute the file but I then get this error

Running cabal update to ensure you’re on latest dependencies…
Downloading the latest package list from
To revert to previous state run:
cabal v2-update ‘,2020-12-12T02:14:52Z’
No cabal.project file or cabal file matching the default glob ‘./*.cabal’ was found.
Please create a package description file .cabal or a cabal.project file referencing the packages you want to build.

and this is where I get stuck ???

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Did you instaled cabal first?

As the Cardano node is using cabal , so let’s install it as well. We will use the recommended version and install to our local bin folder ( .local/bin )


tar -xf cabal-install-

rm cabal-install- cabal.sig

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

mv cabal ~/.local/bin/

You should now have cabal installed in your ~/.local/bin/ folder, now we just have to make sure, that the system also can find the cabal bin(executive) file, so let’s make sure, that the system knows where to look. Let’s add this information in our user profile file (.bashrc), reload it (using source command), and check if we see our ~/.local/bin/ folder in the list.


Anyway… every time I need to upgrade my node I use my script:

cd git
cd cardano-node
git fetch
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout 1.24.2
stop the node!!!

echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local

But I’m using cntools

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cntools is your friend…

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Thanks for this - I am just trying the Cardano node documentation install guide and will also look at your as well - much appreciated

Hi there - I went back to my original node which had been working fine before and tried to upgrade with the commands you have above. I then entered

echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local

and this is the error I get

Running cabal update to ensure you’re on latest dependencies…
cabal: Error parsing project local configuration file
unrecognised field or section: “\8220package cardano-crypto-praosn flags:

cabal: Error parsing project local configuration file
unrecognised field or section: “\8220package cardano-crypto-praosn flags:

It appears like the more things I try the worse the errors just seem to keep getting. I am kind of at a loss at what to do now :slight_smile:

Check this

What version of cabal are u running?

And… The forum software here converted the quotes into text-quotes! So be carefull with the command

echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local

Thanks - I have replaced the quotes with those from the keyboard and I have got a little further but I now get the error

cabal: The program ‘ghc’ version >=7.0.1 is required but it could not be

I thought this had been installed earlier?

Trying the same thing on my earlier node build and I appear to be getting a bit further now so I will update later - thanks

Check your version

ghcup --version

make sure ghcup is on the latest version; you may need to run more than once (current version is v0.1.12):

ghcup upgrade

*note - if ghcup --version outputs v0.1.11, this can be remedied via running the following again:

curl --proto ‘=https’ --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

install ghc 8.10.2:

ghcup install ghc 8.10.2

set ghc 8.10.2 as the default version:

ghcup set ghc 8.10.2

verify version 8.10.2 is set correctly:

ghc --version

I before upgraded the node, I ran prerequisits again… this will create new folders and the old are backup (env, configuration file, topologyupdater, cntools, cnode, etc)

You need to edit new configuration again (env, conf file for ekg ip,, toplogy_updater, etc…)


cd “$HOME/tmp”
curl -sS -o

chmod 755

./ -f (for cntools)

. “${HOME}/.bashrc”


cd ~/git
cd cardano-node

git fetch --tags --all
git checkout 1.24.2
git pull origin master

echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local

BUT for an usual upgrade for eg 1.24.2->1.24.4 I only use

stop the node!!!
cd ~/git
cd cardano-node

git fetch --tags --all
git checkout 1.24.4
git pull origin master

echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local

and that’s all

The forum software here converted the quotes into text-quotes! So be carefull with the commands !!!

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Thanks - sorry I just saw your latest message. Anyway I appear to have the BP node up and running again with gLiveView and CNtools working again. I didn’t do anything to the env file it appears to have sorted itself - is this right? - I also have my relay node running as well (still needs upgrading) but both the BP and the relay have peers with the tx count increasing steadily - does this mean I am back in business?

If your env is ok, and your BP shows in gliveview info about your Keys, and on top it’s saying Core Node… than yes; you are back on bussines

You need to configure if is not… in configuration file the extra config :

“options”: {
“mapBackends”: {
“cardano.node.resources”: [

! Options already exist so you only need to add

“cardano.node.resources”: [

You can download/check the latest file from here

Thanks - I will have a look - appreciate the help - it has been a lot of work getting this upgrade right

Hi again - just a quick question as the CNTools setup is different to what I was using before. In the file where you can edit the user variables shown below do I put my BP node in the custom peers or just my other relay node?