2020 Cardano Forum Stats - The Year in Review

Top #Operate a Stake Pool Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
SPOs, Do not repeat my mistakes, Keep your Core Node Safe 35
Attention SPOs - 1.24.2 UPGRADE GUIDE - Upgrade NOW for the upcoming Allegra Hard Fork Event! 25
Guide Raspberry Pi 4 HTN Setup [Pi Pool] 22
Understanding shelley reward formula (and k, a0 parameters) 20
For those still on testnet: we can collaborate here 16

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
SPOs, Do not repeat my mistakes, Keep your Core Node Safe 67
The public testnet is now open for business 29
Useful resources to run a Stake Pool (Mainnet) 21
Attention SPOs - 1.24.2 UPGRADE GUIDE - Upgrade NOW for the upcoming Allegra Hard Fork Event! 21
Latin America and Spain should also be part of the consensus 16

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Cannot run gLiveview anymore or CNTools 120
Stuck in when running ./cnode.sh script 95
For those still on testnet: we can collaborate here 94
Guide Raspberry Pi 4 HTN Setup [Pi Pool] 50
SPOs, Do not repeat my mistakes, Keep your Core Node Safe 41

Most Popular

User Topic Score
SPOs, Do not repeat my mistakes, Keep your Core Node Safe 55
Attention SPOs - 1.24.2 UPGRADE GUIDE - Upgrade NOW for the upcoming Allegra Hard Fork Event! 30
Latin America and Spain should also be part of the consensus 27
Welcome Stake Pool School Students! 27
The PoA Haskell node guide has just been released! 25

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Useful resources to run a Stake Pool (Mainnet) 12
Staking pool project 8
Guide Raspberry Pi 4 HTN Setup [Pi Pool] 6