After our stakepool guide, allowing everyone to create a stakepool, on macOS and Windows, we just released the Haskell node guide. Our philosophy at Proof of Africa has always been to make Cardano’s tech as accessible as possible, and that’s precisely the reason why our guides are made in a way to make it as understandable as possible, and they work for macOS and Windows at the same time (and Linux too actually).
If you want to become part of the Haskell node testnet, and create your own Haskell node, it starts right here!
Hi Donny! Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it.
Regarding the setup of your stakepool, the Haskell node has no link with the ITN. There is currently no link between the Haskell node testnet and the ITN. So if you want to setup a stakepool, you will need to setup a Rust node, so not a Haskell node. The Haskell node testnet is currently essentially just testnet to play a bit with the early early versions of the Haskell nodes!
Hmm, could you please send me the link to the page you are talking about? Because I have done a quick word-search and wasn’t able to find any Jormungandr reference in our Haskell node guide.
Hmm, yeah, but that’s for the stakepool guide, which is normal, as a stakepool requires Jormungandr. But there is no mention of Jormungandr that I’m aware of in the Haskell node guide, where that would be a problem.
10.3 The image only has Jormungandr.
10.4 As someone else pointed out.
10.5 Mentions it in the curl command.
10.5 Mentions it in the curl command.
10.8 Mentions it in the curl command.
Yes, that’s the problem I think. Because 10.3 to 10.8, are part of the stakepool guide, I’m going to try to make that clearer as, it seems to be confusing!