I cannot seem to get past this road block. Is this a problem? When i show my pool i get this result, although everything else looks just fine.
Have you created the directory where the node socket is supposed to live?
im able to locate sockets under the cnode. Is that where it should live?
Start the node and check in glive
Also check with:
sudo systemctl status cnode
Greetings @Alexd1985, what am I checking exactly?
@Alexd1985 It says Cardano node was not cleanly shutdown, socket file still exists. Cleaning up.
It’s perfect! And all ok in glive?
But it’s not clear for me what do u want to see
@Alexd1985, Im just wondering if my pool is fine.
Is fine, why shouldn’t be?
Check on adapools.org, pooltools.io
Check if the Producer running as a Producer, if u have IN/OUT peers, tx incrementic, etc
@Alexd1985, Im not seeing my pool in Daedalus. I have seen this post on many of your topics as well but not sure if my “issue” is an issue. Do i have to wait the 2 epochs for my pool to become active on Daedalus?
Tell me ur ticker
@Alexd1985 :ADAVI
Wait more time for daedalus
@Alexd1985 you sir are a Gentlemen and a Scholar, Thank you.