Cardano Kids & Cardano Teens: Like It?

Agree that Kids are CRAZY smart and flexible in how they learn. Love this idea. I’ve been working on a program for a few years now called = Kids Teaching Kids. Mainly I’m focused on cyberbullying awareness and micro learning (designed by kids for kids), see, but the concept is portable.

I’m new and catching up on this thread (thank you @regsanman) but if I can assist in any way, would love to contribute, whether for profit or not for profit.

Again, happy to


The work you have been doing is super important. Thanks for your efforts and keep up the good work. We are in the brainstorming phase here. So throw out any ideas you have. Who knows where this will go.

May I be so bold to ask to join the call on the 2/19? Skype: dealy14

I’m like @Afridev in that I feel some use cases and strategy discussion would be a good idea. I may be a good use case and can offer new sector (online gaming or micro learning for kids, etc).


That’s fine with me. Contact @tknowny and @jonmoss . They are the point men in this adventure so far.

Some nice ideas here! Kudos!! :up:

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Hello @Dealy14! Your participation is welcome. Be sure to PM @jonmoss your skype info so he can include you in the call. Thanks!

Thank you for your message. Yes, it probably is something for another thread .

Not really sure (yet), I assume that with ‘community’ you mean people active on the forum. If this would be an informal/ low-/ no-cost initiative, I assume the forum would be the best platform to launch it from as it gives access to many persons from diverse backgrounds who do have an interest in, and some understanding of, the blockchain/ Cardano. In this case the idea wouldn’t be to come up with an exhaustive study with a multitude of uses in many sectors, but with potential cases where Cardano could bring added value in specific sectors that practitioners can use to advocate the use of Cardano/ the blockchain in their sectors. For this option we’d need someone with solid understanding of Cardano/ the blockchain and its potential application, some type of organiser (this role can be combined with the person with the ‘understanding’), and practitioners from different sectors who’d be willing to spend some time reflecting and exchanging around uses in their sectors. The outputs would be a set of use-cases that practitioners could use to try to raise awareness of Cardano in their sectors, and trying to get buy-in. This option is cheap, ‘dirty’, an initial stab, and a long shot at trying to get adoption of Cardano/ the blockchain as a tool to address issues.

This could also be done in a more formal and better-funded approach, where members of the forum could be included to provide feedback and become ‘ambassadors’ for Cardano in their sectors, and would actively work, with blockchain specialists, to get Cardano adopted as a tool in their work domains.

It really depends on what the aim and scope would be of this initiative… In short, I don’t know the best reply to all the questions. I just know that I would like to have some clear examples of potential real-life uses that solve issues in my sector. If I have some clear cases, I can take it forward to try to get adoption.

Hadn’t explored the Emurgo site yet, my bad :slightly_smiling_face:. It seems indeed to be up their lane. Thanks for the information, great!

That’s indeed an interesting case use. We need more concrete examples so people ‘who aren’t in yet’ can visualise what this could do for them…


Message sent @Dealy14 ! Thanks :slight_smile:

For those interested, new video “Blockchain versus Cryptocurrency”:

Slowly. Slowly. Laying the foundation so she can understand Cardano later. :grin:


@jonmoss @tknowny @regsanman @Dealy14

Was good speaking to you :handshake:!

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@jonmoss @Afridev @regsanman @Dealy14

Thanks for your time today. It was very nice to meet all of you! I apologize for my late start and early departure.
Computer issues…

Thanks for setting the meeting up, Jon! We’re off to a good start!
Looking forward to the meeting minutes and summary, Erik. Thanks!
Thank you for setting up the teamwork group, David!
Thank you for the community outreach and research, Reggie!

I’m very excited about this project and looking forward to a bright future for a Blockchain Education Initiative!


Good to meet everyone. I am very optimistic after our meetup. Thanks to all for using your expertise and energy to move this project forward.

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I love this. I think she is getting it. Thanks for making and sharing these, I’ll stay tuned.

@jonmoss @tknowny @regsanman @Dealy14
Quick correction, I committed to making a brief no-frills proposal for an education programme that would include elements mentioned in the forum and discussed in the concall. This wouldn’t be the minutes/ summary of the meeting though :slightly_smiling_face:.

FYI, forgot to mention it in the call, but tomorrow Tue 20.02/ Wed 21.02 I have a commitment to help the local scouts with a winter bivouac - temperature forecast -11oC :snowman_with_snow:. Will be away from the computer up to late Wed afternoon. I’ll normally get the doc out by the end of the week latest.


@Afridev Glad to see you are taking full advantage of the hearty Swedish winters I have heard so much about. What will you be using as shelter?

The US MMSS Was able to get one reasonably priced from a mil-dump from the UK :slightly_smiling_face: Haven’t used it in winter yet, so good moment to try it out.


Nice setup! You are braver than I. I’ve done my share of winter camping in these parts but prefer something more spacious. Enjoy your outing.

@tknowny @regsanman @Dealy14 @Afridev Good morning all :slight_smile:

It was a real pleasure chatting yesterday and very much enjoyed the conversation and meeting you all :slight_smile:

I’m just about to email you all with the email addresses.

Best wishes,

Jon :sunglasses:

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Hi Jon. Ive invited everyone using the email addresses in the original meeting invite. Let me know if you’ve rec’d the invite and have access.

Talk soon,

Just an update, made the Cardano video: