Cardano Node 1.32.1 ARM64 (aarch64) compiled binaries

Yarrrrh to all of you !

As for every release please find here the free to download binaries for 1.32.1 on ARM architecture (aarch64).
GHC used is version 8.10.7 from last august (no more update on v8 since then)

1.32.1 cardano-cli
1.32.1 cardano-node

As usual it still needs libsodium, unchanged if you were already using it, but available here if you are new to this. (check my other posts for more details).

Libsodium aarch64

Enjoy, that’s our share of the loot, from the [PIRAT] pool !


thanks for this

i’ve updated my relays but on my BP I keep getting this one error:
mv: failed to access '/usr/local/bin/': Not a directory

Hmmm strange it is …
Have you used any other compiled version from us or someone else before ?

Where did you drop the binary “cardano-cli” path wise ?
What command to you run ?
What is you architecture ? System ? Version ?
Happy to help but you have to give me something the chew on :wink:

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You could also try to run the arm64 docker image. It also comes with gLiveView, topology updates and other stuff built in. Try …

$ docker run --detach \
    --name=relay \
    -p 3001:3001 \
    -v node-data:/opt/cardano/data \
    nessusio/cardano-node run    

I was about to answer, as last time … but I guess I evolved.
Sure you can use container when your issue is an mv command, rich idea.

Sorry @poonasor I did go through your problem too quickly, re-reading it I can now see it’s an mv command failing with “not a directory” error.
Check that:

  • /usr/local/bin does exist
  • you user have permission the write in it (default to 755 so non root can’t)

I would put $10 on the second one.

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Hey @kaverne,

Thanks for your pointers.

/usr/local/bin does exist and the permission was set to 777

Hey @kaverne thanks for posting the binaries. Any chance you can post the 1.33.0 ARM64 next? :smiley:

If you don’t like to run the docker image, these binaries can easily be extracted from it (that would be silly though :wink:

Your have been served good sir !

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much appreciated!