Gimme a break. Yes BTC has many faults, and now looks primitive, but it will always be the original Blockchain. It is still possible to build upon that tech too.
This is a great fantasy piece in a bear market. All of this by 2022 ? Will we all be flying around via personal jet packs, paid for in Ada, by then also ?
BTC is a ponzi by Charles own standards when it comes to other Cryptos. He might as well go the full route and denounce BTC.
He will then be one of the few with real credibility post-BTC collapse
Apple didn’t come to dominate because of marketing, apple became to dominate by product alone, apple still dont do marketing, people just buy their product by default… Poeple line up out in front of the stores… No marketing scheme can accomplish this, only superior product.
Nobody needed to sell you a Iphone back when it came out, it was a superior product, nobody needed to tell you that.
I stand corrected. Still a giant prediction!
I stand corrected. Still a giant prediction!
It takes balls to admit you were wrong… Kudos! $5.4trln isn’t that large compared to the global market share which is several times bigger. And that does not include the extra liquidity which Cardano is likely to bring to the table itself.
The actual number could be much larger but I don’t know how to calculate it.
Perfect it first. Powers to be are aware who’s doing what and will adopt to their own needs.
I’ll continue investing 6% of my annual income and never want to drive exotic cars or live in a house so large half the rooms get no use. My purpose for investing ADA is hopefully to not leave my grandchildren to this current system.
My purpose for investing ADA is hopefully to not leave my grandchildren to this current system.
With the way the world is going, this may be the wisest decision you made with your money.
Poeple line up out in front of the stores… No marketing scheme can accomplish this, only superior product.
Yes. I agree completely with this! A product that sells itself is far more compelling than TPS and other BS they are comparing.
When Apple entered the mobile phone market, Nokia laughed at them… said they produced millions of handsets and had tons of experience. Look how that turned out.
Apple phones may not have had the fastest processors or the features of other more “advanced” phones, but one thing they had that was far superior than others: They were simple, intuitive (some might say beautiful) and they worked. You didn’t have to be an engineer to use them. And that propelled them to the top.
Cardano has the same approach to things. It’s a solid project with top-notch people who are passionate about their work and what they are creating. That alone goes a long way!